•YouTube – I developed my knowledge of posting videos online in order to gain feedback. However, with YouTube I learnt that you can never guarantee that the people commenting are within the age range of your target audience.
•Facebook – this website was especially helpful because we could post our videos online and ask for audience feedback (because you can see who is commenting you can make sure that they are part of your target audience). I also learnt that it is a good website to use for communicating with other members of the group because you can tag each other in your status updates with links etc in order to make sure that everyone is up-to-date.
•SlideShare- I learnt how to upload slideshows and word documents and then embed them onto my blog
•iMovie- this programme allowed me to develop my editing skills. Through the process of constructing this product I learnt how to speed up and slow down different clips. I also learnt how to change the colouring of certain clips and how to make the camera movements appear smoother by used a tool called ‘stabilizer’.
•iTunes- after downloading copyright free music from www.freeplaymusic.com onto iTunes I learnt how to transfer it onto our media product
•Blogger – I learnt how to create a blog and upload and embed different files and formats in order to make my blog as interesting as possible
•DaFont – this is the website that we got the text that we used for the film of our title from. It helped me to learn how to download and install fonts onto my computer
•Photoshop – I used YouTube tutorials to teach me how to use it. After watching the videos I learnt how to create different images and this is the programme that I used to create the title image on my blog
•KeepVid – how to download a video from YouTube and paste it into the opening two minutes of our film. (Used this for the ‘Fox Searchlight Production’ indent)
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