Wednesday 28 April 2010

Evaluation Question Three

3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

We chose Fox Searchlight Pictures to be the distributers of our media product, because they are a sub-division of 20TH Century Fox that specialise in low budget British independent films and have distributed popular psychological thrillers such as ‘One Hour Photo’. They would be a good distributer for our film because they are a reliable and reputable company that would support and promote our film fully, as even though it is a British independent film we have quite a mainstream target audience.

Also when conducting my research I found that psychological thrillers tended to be produced by big name companies like ‘Columba’ and ‘New Line Cinema’. However, as these companies are American companies it is unlikely that they would distribute a British independent film, which is why we chose to go with Fox Searchlight Pictures.

Moreover, the money that we would use to produce our film would probably come from the National Lottery Film Council, who are known to support British independent films, and our distribution company. However, as our film doesn't have many actors in it or any special effects we wouldn't need a lot of money to produce it. Furthermore, our film would first be distributed to cinemas and would then be distributed to shops like HMV and online retailers like in DVD and Blu-ray form.

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