Friday, 30 April 2010
Evaluation Question Seven
Thursday, 29 April 2010
Evaluation Question Six

•YouTube – I developed my knowledge of posting videos online in order to gain feedback. However, with YouTube I learnt that you can never guarantee that the people commenting are within the age range of your target audience.
•Facebook – this website was especially helpful because we could post our videos online and ask for audience feedback (because you can see who is commenting you can make sure that they are part of your target audience). I also learnt that it is a good website to use for communicating with other members of the group because you can tag each other in your status updates with links etc in order to make sure that everyone is up-to-date.
•SlideShare- I learnt how to upload slideshows and word documents and then embed them onto my blog
•iMovie- this programme allowed me to develop my editing skills. Through the process of constructing this product I learnt how to speed up and slow down different clips. I also learnt how to change the colouring of certain clips and how to make the camera movements appear smoother by used a tool called ‘stabilizer’.
•iTunes- after downloading copyright free music from onto iTunes I learnt how to transfer it onto our media product
•Blogger – I learnt how to create a blog and upload and embed different files and formats in order to make my blog as interesting as possible
•DaFont – this is the website that we got the text that we used for the film of our title from. It helped me to learn how to download and install fonts onto my computer
•Photoshop – I used YouTube tutorials to teach me how to use it. After watching the videos I learnt how to create different images and this is the programme that I used to create the title image on my blog
•KeepVid – how to download a video from YouTube and paste it into the opening two minutes of our film. (Used this for the ‘Fox Searchlight Production’ indent)
Evaluation Question Five
Examples of the hermeneutic code in our opening:
Moreover, the construction of our characters also helped us to appeal to our target audience, as by using actors of a similar age to our target audience our opening would appeal more to them as it would be more reminiscent of their own lives and therefore, it would be more scary for them. Also as shown in evaluation activity two we tried to represent our target age group as positively as possible within our opening to attract them to our product.

We held a screening for our media product to see if we had successfully attracted our target audience and then asked them questions on what they had watched. Here is what they said:
From our audience feedback I feel that we successfully attracted our target audience.
Wednesday, 28 April 2010
Evaluation Question Four
4. Who would be the audience for your media product?
Our target audience are young adults, aged around 15-21. Normally, psychological thrillers are aimed at adults from about mid twenties to late forties, which is shown through the use of middle-aged male characters within most story-lines. We chose to go against these conventions and instead chose younger actors and lowered the usual target audience. From our research we knew that as a lot of psychological thrillers are classified either as 12As or 15s, therefore, teenagers are allowed to watch them according to the law. Furthermore, we know that teenagers like to be scared as they are the target audience for most slasher horror films, therefore a psychological thriller aimed at teenagers would appeal to them because they like to be scared and a psychological thriller with a teenager as a main character would scare them more than a middle aged character because it is more reminiscent of their own lives. In recent years, the age group of target audiences for psychological thrillers has started to decline as shown by films like 'The Butterfly Effect' (2004) where the main actor, Ashton Kutcher, as well as the other characters, are younger than the usual characters of psychological thrillers, so it appeals to younger generations. Moreover, films like 'Final Destination' that can been seen as a mix between a horror and a psychological thriller appeal to a young adult audience like our film, as companies have noticed the demand for horror/psychological thrillers amongst this age group.
Unlike with horror/slashers that are aimed mainly at males, rather than females, psychological thrillers are aimed at a much broader audience, which ultimately makes them more marketable. This is reflected in our target audience, which is non-gender specific as there are parts of the story line that will appeal to both males and females. For example, the action that would later unfold between Noah and Horatio would interest males that like action scenes. Whereas, the idea of the age old story of the love triangle would appeal to most females, especially because the Mia defeats Horatio's dominant hold over her in the end. Our media product is mainly aimed at working/middle-class teenagers, that are at college/sixth form studying for their a-levels. They would be quite social people, like Mia is in our film and would be able to understand the different social cliques within schools, such as the unpopular nerds like Horatio and the popular group that Mia is at the centre of. They would also be the sort of people that like feeling:
- suspense
- uncertainty
- anxiety
- excitement
- nerve racking tension
(as these are the feelings that psychological thrillers are known to promote)
Evaluation Question Three

Evaluation Question Two
Evaluation Question One
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
Thursday, 1 April 2010
Alternative Endings...
Ending One:
Ending Two:
Target Audience Response:
Thursday, 25 March 2010
Audience view of newspaper shot
Friday, 19 March 2010
Neurosis Draft (without music) Feedback
This is what we have so far, however, there are a couple of shots missing and there isn't any music added yet. We uploaded it onto facebook and youtube to see what people thought of it how it was and if the messages that we wanted to convey were conveyed effectively. By doing this in advance of the deadline it will give us a chance to see if we need to make any changes and to see if we have successfully made our film appeal to our target audience. Here is what we asked the audience to comment on:

Thursday, 18 March 2010
Deleted First Scene
This was are initial first scene. However, after filming it we decided that we wanted to change the scene because we didn't think that it worked well with our film and it gave too much away. Moreover, as a group we felt that Leon falling on the floor made it too comedic and drew attention away from the story line. Also, when we compared this scene to our research on psychological thrillers we noticed that we had introduced too many characters in the opening scene as most of the films that we looked at stuck to introducing 1-2 characters. We uploaded the video onto and as we wanted to know if other people agreed with our opinions. These are the questions that we asked: